Project Title
Applicant Name
First Name
Last Name
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Amount Requested
ABSTRACT: Provide a brief description of your project and how it fits with the mission of the Montville Education Foundation, Inc. Include project goals, objectives and detailed timelines. Do not exceed the allotted space. (see sections VII.A., VII.B. and Exhibit C)
LEVEL OF LEARNING: How does the proposed program enrich learning beyond the programs in existence today? Is it appropriate for the audience? Explain. (see section VII.A.1.)
IMPACT: Detail the impact of the program. Include number of learners, long-term community benefits and sustainability. Address secondary impact such as program duplication at other institutions and training future instructors. (see section VII.A.2.)
INNOVATION: Describe how the proposed program is innovative. Some areas of innovation include content, delivery and evaluation. Include aspects that make the program creative and exciting. (see section VII.A.3)
NEED: Justify why there is a need for the proposed program in our community. Include how our community would benefit from the proposal and how the proposal addresses the need. (see section VII.A.4.)
DOCUMENT PLAN: Describe in detail the instructional plan, timelines, goals and objectives. Justify achievability within the prescribed timelines and consistency of the goals. (see section VII.A.5.)
PROJECT ASSESSMENT: Describe and justify the methods used to evaluate the participants and the overall assessment of the proposed program. Include each program objective. (see section VII.A.6.)
COLLABORATION: How will the proposed program utilize resources of other entities or corporations? Is there collaboration among schools/organizations within the town? What factors address the multi-faceted demographic of the town? (see section VII.A.7.)
BUDGET: Include a detailed budget outlining and justifying expenses. Use additional exhibits if necessary. (see section VII.A.8.)
Total Amount of Grant Requested
Minimum Amount if Partial Funding Available
Can the program be scaled down to fit the MEF maximum award?
If the Program Requires Additional Funding Above the MEF Maximum., please describe how the program will be scaled (use additional space if needed).
Are other funds available to support this project?
If yes, what is the amount?
Please describe what efforts have been made to obtain other funds.
By signing below, the applicant and Administrator/Director hereby (a) agrees to complete a post-project evaluation for the MEF, (b) grants the MEF the right to publish the grant proposal and results of the project, and (c) understands grant awards are subject to the rules and conditions of the MEF. Please type APPLICANT FULL NAME.
I understand I must email pg 12 from the mail in grant application with applicant signature and administrator signature to
I understand
I will contact you for more information